Crown Leatherworks

About me, Julia

About Me

Hi! I’m Julia,

My husband, Ben, and I live in rural Minnesota with our daughter and dog. We enjoy watching the sunset from our deck and conversing into the early hours of the morning. We love trekking to the city and beyond to spend time with our friends and family there. Ben is a food safety manager, and enjoys oil painting, playing chess, working out, and researching his ever-developing interests. I enjoy yoga, gardening, home improvement projects, and lots of other types of crafting (yarn and fiber, paper crafting, drawing, painting and sewing to name a few). We both love spending time as a family and watching our daughter grow!

The story

I learned the basics of leatherwork through an elective class in high school. I remember stitching together some leather moccasins, tooling flowers on a leather bag and assembling a guitar strap. I loved how raw and earthy leather is. My family gave me tools for Christmas so I could practice at home.

While in high school I opened an Etsy shop to sell my leather and other crafted items. In college I published a website with an online shop. At the time, leatherwork was a fun hobby that provided a little income on the side. For some unknown reason, my college roommates never complained when I brought all my leather and tools (by then I had many), set up a card table, and covered our tiny dorm in crafts. Through the years I taught myself more about the art of leatherworking and jewelry making. After college I held a full-time job and dreamed of the day when I could work full-time on leather. 

After getting married and moving across the country a few times, Ben and I finally landed back home in Minnesota. Thanks to my supportive husband, I finally had the time and freedom to launch myself into my business without reserve.

I am so thankful to every person who has supported me on this journey. Your purchases, social media interactions, and enthusiasm have encouraged me and made it possible for my dream to become a reality. Since the start of it all, I have learned a lot. I am excited to continue to learn as I design and create high quality accessories that reflect the life and style of the people who use them.


Follow along on our journey.

Me and my family